Zera Ministry is a Hebrew word for “seed.” It is something from which anything can spring forth: life, offspring, vegetation, etc. It can also mean “sowing seeds for an eternal harvest and doing whatever it takes to bring Life".
In Matthew 13:31-32, the Kingdom of God is described as “… a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
Our Core Value is to sow the seed of the Gospel in the border regions of Asia, particularly among the poor, the marginalized, and the helpless.
Zera Ministry is about community, about life, and about the holistic care of individuals, to bring forth new life:
1. We seek to creatively meet the spiritual, social, physical, and emotional needs of those who are disadvantaged.
2. We strive to bring about development in marginalized border communities in the areas of public health, agriculture, education and micro-enterprise promotion.
3. We seek opportunity to establish and build relationships, elevate the reputation of local believers, and provide resources for communities to improve their quality of life in a sustainable manner.
4. We hold crucial to the mission of partnership with the local church and strive to facilitate the vision of the church and develop leaders to be sent out.
5. We desire to partner with other organizations, government entities, and groups that share our heart and vision.