Tiffany Clark
Firm Foundations Romania
Please make checks payable to Cord Ministries International. Please include a separate note along with your check designating who you are choosing to become a support partner with.
Attn: ID#
Cord Ministries International
PO Box 620760
Littleton, CO 80162
After many years of waiting on the Lord, God opened the doors for Tiffany to move to Romania in March 2023 to share the Gospel and provide Occupational Therapy for people with neurodevelopmental delays, with a primary focus on serving adopted children and their families. In addition, she is involved in discipleship, Children's Sunday School, and outreach events with her church in Romania, Providenta Baptist Church.
To learn more about her ministry, please visit www.toromaniawithlove.org.
Thank you for your interest and partnership! Your support is vitally needed and makes a huge difference in the lives of Romanians in need of the Gospel and struggling with neurodevelopmental delays.