The Light Center
The Family Connection Foundation
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Cord Ministries International
PO Box 620760
Littleton, CO 80162
The Light Center’s mission is to give hope and support to vulnerable pregnant women, to provide foster care for children waiting to be adopted, and to protect and restore victims of sexual abuse.
The Light Center’s vision is to support strong and healthy families in Thai society.
Mother’s who can raise their own children.
Foster children living in safe and loving families.
Justice and a new future for sexual abuse victims.
Around 34,000 teenagers will give birth in Northeast Thailand this year. The deep shame from an unexpected pregnancy often leads to abortions, suicide, and girls being abandoned by the people they thought cared about them the most. The government estimates there could be up to 400,000 illegal abortions per year and crisis pregnancy centers are almost non-existent. Our hope is in Jesus Christ and we want to give that hope to young women who feel hopeless. There can be justice and healing for victims of sexual abuse. There is a way for them to choose life and keep their baby. It is possible to graduate. They do have a future and they can pursue their dreams. Sometimes all they need is someone to guide them down the right path. Sometimes all they need is a little hope.
Project Director: Marcus Fey - marcusfey@fcfthailand.org